The Secret World Reveals New Backstory and Ranking Mission Details for Dragon Week

by on Oct 19, 2011

<p> Day 3 of Dragon Week has arrived for <a href=""><em>The Secret World</em></a> and Funcom has rolled out new mission and backstory details for the Dragon.

Funcom has revealed new backstory and ranking mission details for the Dragon secret society as Dragon Week continues. The new story explains the mysterious origins of the society, but what little explanation is given only leads to more questions and that’s how the Dragon like it.

The ancient origins of the Dragon lie somewhere in East Asia, though few know exactly where, when or even why they came to be. Divergent accounts from history provide fleeting glimpses of the Dragon's modus operandi, though the history of the Dragon precedes modern society -- perhaps even the dawn of this age.

Along with the new backstory are details pertaining to one of the Dragon ranking missions and what players will be tasked with early on in the game. It’s a fine example of how the Dragon operates and what kind of mysterious encounters that players will have in The Secret World.


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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016