The Value of a Good Writer

by on Apr 02, 2008

<strong>You know: the stuff you click through to get to the gameplay.</strong> has a new article up about the role of writing in videogames.

You know: the stuff you click through to get to the gameplay. has a new article up about the role of writing in videogames.

This column’s supposed to be about things I hear discussed in the industry. Well there’s very little I hear discussed as often as this: “what can our media do?”

The questions before us are these, “what kind of stories can we tell, what issues can we discuss, what ideas can we address,” but when we talk about them they usually devolve down to a discussion of writing. So in today’s column, I’ll rant about my thoughts on how videogame writing ought to be done

Check it out at

Last Updated: Mar 13, 2016