The Warcraft Movie - An Interview

by on May 31, 2006

<strong>Azeroth on the silver screen.. will it be hot or not?</strong><br />

Azeroth on the silver screen.. will it be hot or not?

Blizzard announced at E3 that they have made a deal with Legendary Pictures to make a live-action movie based on the Warcraft universe!

At GameSpot, there is an interview with with Paul Sams, Blizzard's COO, which goes into more detail about their ideas and vision for the movie!

We're not trying to take what we've done and...try to make a literal translation to the big screen. What we want to do is to make a great movie that happens to be set in a video game universe. That's a differentiator, and a key differentiator.

A lot of it comes down to picking the right people. A lot of the other video game movies that have come out before this haven't had the budgets, the right people, and haven't had the right mindset.

We and Legendary want to make a great film, an event picture, big-budget picture, that is a great stand-alone, fantasy-based movie that is good for you regardless of whether you're familiar with the Warcraft universe.

Read the rest of the interview here!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016