Top 3 Games Where You Can Gamble

by on Sep 17, 2021

Top 3 Games Where You Can Gamble


Top 3 Games Where You Can Gamble

It’s no big secret that video games and gambling are closely connected. In fact, nowadays, numerous games include some form of gambling, be it social or not.

However, while certain video games are packed with microtransactions and loot boxes designed to empty your wallet, other games make in-game gambling fun.

With that said, let’s take a closer look at some of the games that allow you to gamble and see how you can use in-game gambling to make extra money and beat the game faster.

The Witcher

In the Witcher series, you play as Geralt of Rivia, a legendary witcher who uses magic, his sharp sword, and even sharper wits to defeat his enemies. As you traverse the world and complete quests, you will encounter many interesting characters. Some of them will offer you the option to play a game of dice poker against them.

Dice poker is quite similar to video poker, except it’s played with dice instead of cards. To win at it, you must win two out of three rounds. Every round, the player rolls five dice, after which the NPC will roll the dice as well. You will then have to select the dice you want to keep. After you decide which dice to keep, you will roll the others and try to make a winning combination.

The goal of the game is simple, and all you have to do is have a stronger combination than your opponent. The winning combinations you can make are similar to the ones you can make in poker, such as one pair, two pair, three of a kind, a straight, and so on.

While dice poker is mostly a game of luck, there is also some skill involved. For example, you will have to assess the risk you want to take and determine how many new dice you want to roll again based on what your opponent rolled. At the same time, after you roll dice the first time, you can add a huge amount of orens to the pot and discourage the AI from accepting the wager and rolling for the second time, securing yourself a win.

An important thing to know is that some NPCs have more orens to gamble with, and they will accept higher wagers, allowing you to make orens faster. If you want to, you can save before each game. If you lose, simply load the previous game or save again and go for another round. Once you have enough orens, you can buy materials for potions, books, or even armor.

If you enjoy dice poker, you can play it in The Witcher and The Witcher 2: Assassins of Kings. However, in the third installment of the game, developers decided to say farewell to dice poker and replace it with GWENT. While GWENT is a lot more complex than dice poker, it’s also many times more fun. In fact, players enjoyed it so much that the developers released GWENT as a standalone game you can download and play for free. 

World of Warcraft

Unlike Witcher, World of Warcraft doesn’t have a mini-game you can use for gambling. Despite that, there’s still plenty of gambling you can do in the game. All you will need is a friend or a stranger on the same realm, WoW’s /roll function, or an add-on, and you’re all set to go.

Gambling in WoW is entirely based on luck. However, it’s just as fun and can be just as profitable as any other form of in-game gambling. If you wish to give it a go, there are three ways to do it.

The simplest way is a wager between two players. To start, you will have to agree on the amount you wish to wager. Then, simply type in /roll in the chat, and the game will automatically roll on a number from 1 to 100 for you. The result is visible in the party or the raid chat, so nobody can try and be sneaky and report they rolled a higher number.

To determine a winner, you can have both people roll, and the one who rolls higher wins. Also, you can decide that one player will win if the result is less than 50 while the other one will win if you roll 50 or more.

Another way you can gamble in WoW is with the help of an add-on called CrossGambling that turns gambling into a raid-wide activity. Once again, bet with people who agree on the amount they wish to wager, which can be, let’s say, 15,000 gold.

Once everyone accepts the wager, each player has to type /15,000, and the game will once again roll between 1 and 15,000. The player who rolls the highest wins, and the one who rolls the lowest loses. If the highest roll is, for example, 13,744, and the lowest one is 3,740, the losing player will have to pay the difference between two numbers to the winning player.

CrossGambling makes the entire process significantly easier, so if you want to have some extra fun and potentially earn yourself a WoW token between pulls, you should give it a go.

The third way you can gamble in WoW is known as a deathroll. To start, you will have to decide on the amount you wish to wager, the starting number, and who goes first. The player who’s rolling first will then type /roll 1,000, for example.

If they roll 733, the second player will then type /roll 733. This goes back and forth until one of the players rolls 1, at which point they lose and have to pay up the amount they previously agreed upon.

Red Dead Redemption 2

Red Dead Redemption 2 is set in 1899 in the Wild West. The game follows an outlaw Arthur Morgan who tries to survive against rival gangs, government forces, and many others who stand in his way.

RDR2 is an immersive story-driven game, and it’s widely regarded as one of the best games of all time. Even though the game follows a linear questline, it allows you to explore the open world and visit various places.

Naturally, since you’re in the Wild West, chances are you will eventually visit a saloon or two, where you can get food, drinks, accept or deny ladies’ advances, and gamble, of course.

In Red Dead Redemption 2, you can play two of the most popular casino games—poker and blackjack. Both games are identical to their real-world counterparts, making them ideal for anyone who has experience playing Texas Hold’em or blackjack.

Unfortunately, this can also be considered bad news for those without experience since games aren’t simplified. Therefore, you’ll have to learn the rules if you want to win.

However, since you are playing against the AI, you won’t really need to have an in-depth knowledge of the games. In fact, learning the basics should be more than enough to help you earn a few extra dollars. 

An important thing to remember is that you are in the Wild West after all and that nearly everyone’s a gunslinger. Therefore, if you do lose, try not to shoot a place up because you will end up with a bounty on your head.


Apart from the games on our list, there are many other games where you can gamble in-game, such as GTA San Andreas, Sims 3, Fallout: New Vegas, Watch Dogs, and many others. While you shouldn’t touch loot boxes with a ten-foot pole, you also shouldn’t be afraid to engage in some in-game gambling.

As long as you don’t form a habit of gambling with real money, you can have tons of fun, especially if you go for some friendly banter after winning all your friends’ gold in World of Warcraft.

Last Updated: Sep 17, 2021