Top 5 Additions to Look Forward to in Patch 5.4

by on Jun 21, 2013

Five additions coming in Patch 5.4 that will make you sit up and take notice.

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While the release of Patch 5.3 in World
of Warcraft seems like just yesterday, a new patch has already been
brought to the public test realms for our enjoyment. While not all
the information for this patch has yet been released, what we do know
about it makes us happy face in a serious way. Below you will find
five tidbits from Patch 5.4 that we are particularly looking forward
too (and you should be too!). Please note that this article may
contain some patch spoilers so be sure to read at your own risk!

Virtual Realms

One of the major problems with my realm
is it has kind of fizzled out. Most of the big raiding guilds have
dissolved or moved on and there is really no fresh blood coming to
the scene. Virtual Realms in Patch 5.4 could solve this issue and
many more. A Virtual Realms are sets of realms that are hooked
together, and act exactly like one giant realm. That means players on
these hooked realms may join guilds, use the same Auction House, and
even join arena teams and raid. While it is hard to say how this will
actually turn out, this is one feature that will be interesting to
see played out on live servers.

Siege of Orgrimmar

While there is no information listed
along with the notes pertaining to Patch 5.4 concerning this new raid, we
can garner a lot from the title of this addition and from
the events of Patch 5.3. As we all know, Garrosh has gone a little Hitler
like and things are being stirred up all amongst the Horde.You
know things are crazy when members of the Horde and Alliance can agree on
one thing and that is just what is happening as Garrosh
spirals further downward into insanity. It is likely that this siege is
the direct result of these advents and the beginning of the end
for Garrosh. This raid should not be missed!

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Flexible Raid Difficulty

If you are part of a 10-man guild,
there has probably been at least one time where you have wished that
you could bring along just one more player. Patch 5.4 will
make this wish come true, plus so much more. Picking Flexible Raid
Difficulty will allow you to create raids of 15 or 22 players.
Difficulty inside the raid will adjust based on the number of players
in order to provide a challenge. There are no level requirements or
role restrictions inside this type of raid, although you must have a
pre-made group to join. With loot set between raid finder and normal
difficulty and a separate lockout, Flexible Raids are something that
we will definitely be keeping our eye on.

Proving Grounds

I love taking on new roles in raids.
However, these roles for each class don't really come with
instructions. So when you jump right into a raid or instance,
sometimes you find that your skills just don't cut it. The Proving
Grounds will hopefully help solve that problem, at least to a certain
extent. In the Proving Grounds players will be able to improve their
skills by undertaking various trails designed for each role. This new
feature is a great way for new players and old players trying out new
roles to perform their role, without the need of a group. Hopefully
this will mean the end of messages like “LAWL! This is my first
time healing!!!”.

Item Enhancements

Finally, finally, finally in Patch 5.4
all permanent item enhancements will be able to be applied to items of ANY
level. What does this mean exactly? Well, most importantly,
this means that all enchantments can finally be put on heirloom items.
Something that players with a ton of alt characters have been
wanting for more than a few years. Don't worry about anything being
overpowered though, high level enhancements placed on lower level
items will be toned down, even if they are placed on the item by a high
level player.

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That concludes our listing of the top
five changes and additions we are most looking forward to in World of
Warcraft Patch 5.4. What are some of the things you are looking
forward to in this patch? What would you like to see take place in
future patches? Share your thoughts with us by using the comments
section below!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016