Top 5 Changes "House of Wolves" will Bring to Destiny

by on Apr 23, 2015

The biggest game changing features coming with House of Wolves.

In a recent live stream aimed at showing off Destiny's upcoming DLC the House of Wolves, Bungie let loose with the details on what the latest expansion will hold and how it will change game elements already in place. The tour took place on the new social area in "The Reef" which will offer all of the comforts of the guardian tower while you're running around completing the DLC content. While the new social space looks pretty and all, what players really wanted to know about was how the DLC will handle things like upgrading exotics and reforging weapons, items that have been hot topics since the Dark Below came out. 

Fortunately there looks to be good news on most if not all counts, which is why we've put together our top 5 favorite changes that will be coming with the House of Wolves DLC.

You Can Upgrade Exotics

One of the biggest pet peeves of the Dark Below expansion was that it made your exotics worthless unless you upgraded them via Xur, which would then reset the gear/ weapons experience, essentially erasing hours of game time you had put into getting it where it was. Fortunately Bungie has revamed the upgrade system.

Both Legendary and Exotic armor can now be upgraded to the new standards using materials you will gain out in the field, bumping them up to the new damage/ stat thresholds while retaining their experience and unlocks.

Easier Weapon Reforging

Currently weapon reforging is limited certain weapons in the Iron Banner, but the House of Wolves will add the reforging ability to the gunsmith. Unfortunately only weapons that come as a part of the new expansion can be reforged at the gunsmith, but it's still a great step in offering even more customization and optimization options to players.

Exchanging Raw Materials

Ever had a vault full of Relic Iron and all you need is Helium Filaments? If you've played Destiny for any length of time you've probably run into this problem where you have a ton of materials, just not the right variety you need for your upgrades. Well don't go throwing all those rusty piles of scrap iron into the garbage just yet because House of Wolves will allow players to swap their materials for other ones at a 1:1 ratio. Handling the exchange process in none other than the speaker, which is good because he's been a looking for work for quite some time.

New Social Space

The new social space looks great and will be a refreshing change for those not fond of heights. The new social space is located out in the Reef and is called the Vestian Outpost. There you can pick up the new House of Wolves quests, shop at some of the new vendors, and do pretty much anything you can do at the tower. 

If you want to check it out before dropping the cash on HoW you're in luck, all Destiny players will gain access to the new area when the expansion goes live, you just wont have access to the quests.

New Gear and Weapons!

It is Destiny after all, and what is Destiny without it's loot. Although there will be no new raid to offer gear, there will be new faction gear, vendor gear, and a pile of new weapons, armor and ships available through the Trials of Osiris (new end game pvp). This new gear will raise the light level cap even further, with the new max being set at least 34.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016