Top 5 In-Game Gifts for World of Warcraft Players

by on Dec 13, 2013

Five excellent in-game gift ideas for giving during the Feast of the Winter Veil.

alt="Winter Viel Ironforge Presents" />

It is that time of year again, the
decorations are set to come out and Greatfather Winter will be
delivering presents to all the good boys and girls on Azeroth. In
this season full of joy and fun, you may feel the urge to really get
into the spirit of the season do a little giving yourself. However,
you may be feeling at a loss as to what to get friends that you may
or may not know in real life. Below you will find five great ideas
that are sure to please many a Warcraft fan. The best part is that
all of these items can be found in-game. Check out the picks below:

Transmogrification Outfit

If you have friends who like to play
dress up with their characters a Transmogrification outfit would be
the perfect holiday gift. Simply look for one of the many Bind on
Equip options out there and get to collecting. Even though Bind on
Equip gear is more limited than others, you are sure to be able to
find an outfit that will appeal just about everyone. For example, the
Buccaneer's Regalia set is comprised of the following:

Buccaneer's Vest Buccaneer's Pants Buccaneer's Bracers Buccaneer's Chest Buccaneer's Boots

This set is fairly easy to collect, all
BoE and will turn any toon into a super cool pirate. Other great
transmog BoE set ideas include the Aurora Regalia, the Wizard
Regalia, and the Mageweave Regalia. Don't limit yourself to these
though. With a simple Google search you can find tons of other
options that will hopefully produce just the right outfit, as well
as, the perfect gift.

alt="Buccaneer's Regalia" />


No matter if you raid, PvP, or just
quest, consumables are something you probably use. Food, Potions,
Flasks, Elixirs or even just a stack of Fortune Cookies are all great
gift ideas that are sure not to go to waste. Or if you wanted to hit
the more fun side of things, consider giving out some of the potions
or foods that have interesting side effects. Great examples of these
are Savory Deviate Delight, a fish dish that turns the player into a
ninja or the Potion of Illusion, which transforms the player into the
exact replica of another player. No matter if you choose to go the
fun route or the more practicle one, consumables are gifts that every
player will appreciate seeing in their mailbox this holiday season.

“Alt” Starter Package

For those of you with friends who seem
to have an addiction to creating alternate characters, an alt started
package would be the perfect gift. Inside you can place things that
alts tend to be without in their initial starting period. Ideas for
things for the alt package include:

Fishing Poles Bags Mining Pick Blacksmith Hammer Gold

These are of course just a few
examples. Simply sit back and think back to when you were a brand new
character and just starting out. What did you need? What do you wish
you had? Give these items to your favorite alt lover as gifts and you
are sure to bring a smile to their face.

Companion Pets

Everyone loves a cute, adorable,
fluffy, companion pet. Especially now that you can use them to battle
it out to the bloody end against other pets. So it makes sense that
these would make perfect holiday gifts for most World of Warcraft
players. Companion pets come in all shapes and sizes and in varying
degrees of difficulty to collect. Buy them on the Auction House, farm
them, or collect them from the wild. Go for super simple easy to
collect pets or farm up that unique, hard to find pet that your
friend has been dying to get. No matter where they come from, they
are sure to bring a smile to the face of that special someone on your

alt="Black Dragon Whelp" />


If you don't want to spend a lot of
time on gifts, but still want to send something out to your in-game
friends to let you know you are thinking of them; send coal. While
this item is pretty much totally useless, unless your friend is a
total Grinch, they will find humor in this holiday appropriate gift.
Even if your friend has been exceptionally nice, don't discriminate,
send coal to all your friends naughty and nice alike. Don't forget
the gift wrap!

That wraps up our list of the top 5
in-game gifts for World of Warcraft players. Remember, no matter what
type of gift you end up handing out, it is ultimately the thought
that counts. Would you like to see any of these items in your
mailbox? Will you be giving out your own in-game gifts this holiday
season? What type of items will you be sending? Share your gift ideas
with us in the comments section below!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016