Top 5 Things to Do Before the Launch of Patch 5.4

by on Aug 31, 2013

Five things you should do before the launch of Patch 5.4.

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Almost all the bugs are worked out and very
soon a brand new patch will be making it's way from the public tests
realms to the live servers of World of Warcraft. If you have been
participating in the PTR you already know most of what Blizzard has in
store for you when this patch is released. However, before you go diving
head first into Patch 5.4 take a step back and look around. While it is
easy to get caught up in the excitement of a new patch, there are some
things you should take care of in the old patch before the new one
launches. Check out our helpful list below to help you get on the right

The Black Prince

In Patch 5.4 the legendary quest involving
Wrathion, the Black Prince will continue onwards. Don't worry though,
unlike other aspects of the game the old quests will still be available
for completion. However, there is no time like the present to get caught
up and ready for the new addition to the quest chain. This quest offers
some nice rewards, including gold, that you certainly won't regret
collecting on your character. Not to mention that this is a much better
way to spend your time waiting for Patch 5.4 than say, twiddling your

Read the Notes

I am going to be totally honest here and say
that I do not always read the patch notes in their entirety. Usually I
skim over it, take in the things that I deem important and then get back
to gaming. They are long and I am pretty lazy at times. This inherent
laziness of course has managed to cause me more problems than you can
imagine and I have been doing my best to read the patch notes from top to
bottom and you should too.

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Why should you read the patch notes you ask?
The answer is so that you are informed. No one wants to be blindsided
first thing on patch day with a big ole nerf to your class or to head out
to complete an event only to find that is forever gone from the game. So
sit back, take a minute, and read over the patch notes, it won't be
something you regret. That way when patch day rolls around you are
informed and ready to hit up all the new content goodness that is to be

Battlefield: Barrens

The conflict that has been taking place in the
Barrens as of late is about to come to a head in Patch 5.4. This means
that once the new patch launches the various quests found here, as well as
the Darkspear Rebellion Quartermaster will be vanishing for good. Remember
folks, the title associated with this event like Hordebreaker and
Darkspear Revolutionary will also be vanishing with the new patch. This
change will take place as soon as Patch 5.4 hits, so if you are interested
in completing any of these quests or collecting any of the items available
here, now is the time to do it if you are interested in this particular

Visit the Vale

Spoiler alert here! In Patch 5.4, Garrosh is
going to cross a serious line and really mess up the revered Vale of
Eternal Blossoms. The building that houses the Golden Lotus will be
destroyed and the beautiful landscape will be forever marred. While the
Golden Lotus will fight on in Patch 5.4, you will likely never be able to
see the Vale of Eternal Blossoms in it's current state ever again. While
this new twist is essential to the storyline, it is still a shame to see a
beautiful place like the Vale torn apart. So before Patch 5.4 hits, this
is the perfect time to head on over to the Vale and enjoy it's tranquil
beauty one last time before all hell breaks loose.

alt="Vale of Eternal Blossoms Pagoda" />

Housecleaning 101

While it seems like such a simple thing, many
players forget that a new patch means tons of new items for you to
collect. With the spare time you have before a patch hits you should take
some time and go through your bags and bank and throw out anything that is
not essential. Logging into the game, hurrying to do new quests and
acquire new items only to discover they are horribly mixed up with all the
other clutter in your bags, or worse, that you have no room at all is not
a great feeling.

Also included in housecleaning is the updating
of your game files, especially if you haven't played in awhile. Simply
open the game launcher and allow the updater to download the latest files.
Don't forget to update any and all addons that you currently use. While
many addons won't update till after the patch launches, many make an
effort to have an update for a new patch well before its release. Doing
all these things will ensure that you are set and ready to play when
September 10th rolls around and Patch 5.4 goes live.

That concludes our list of the top 5 things to
do before Patch 5.4. What is on your list to take care of before this new
patch launches? Share your to do list with myself and the rest of the
community in the comment section below!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016