Top Healers in Warlords of Draenor Patch 6.1

by on May 17, 2015

Find out which healers are on top of the pack in Patch 6.1.

It is good to be king. This phrase holds true in many places and situations, including in World of Warcraft. In the early days of WoW, only certain class specializations were viable. For example, a Shadow Priest would have quickly been laughed out of the raid. It was easy to see which stood out above the rest. Over the years, Blizzard has gotten much better at making all specs pretty equal. However, despite their best attempts, there is always one that comes out on top.

Such is the case with the often unsung heroes of World of Warcraft; healers. While all healers are always welcome and none will be turned away from a group, there are just some that still manage to outperform the rest. While the advantage may be small, it is still there. Which healers are currently on top of the pack in Patch 6.1? Read onward to find out!

Please note, our picks for top healers are based solely on performance in PvE content. While many picks may be the same for PvP content, it is really a totally different ballgame.

Holy Paladin

Taking up the third spot on our list is the Holy Paladin. A strong contender in Mists of Pandaria, this healer has managed to hold on and push through the Draenor changes and come out on top. Relying strongly on large direct heals, Paladins are a very reactive healing class. With that being said, they are well designed for it and manage to do it well enough to make our list.

Paladins rely on both mana and Healing Power, allowing them to pack a double whammy. After selecting spells that cost mana but build up Holy Power, which can be stored for later use, they can dish out potent mana-free healing at just the right time. Healing as a Paladin is also very straightforward, allowing even new players to grasp and heal with ease.

Besides their heals, Paladins bring survivability and utility to any raid they are a part of. With cool downs like Devotion Aura, Hand of Sacrifice, Avenging Wrath and Lay on Hands, the Paladin can easily help their raid overcome threatening fight mechanics. Paladins also have access to a wide range of support abilities such as Rebuke, Hammer of Justice, and Hand of Protection. With so many flexible cool downs at their disposal, Paladins are well-equipped to handle and conquer and encounter the game can throw at them.

The downside of the Holy Paladin? Due to their reliance on cast-time heals, movement can be a real problem for this healer. Also because of their cast time reliance, Paladin healers are considered to be slightly weaker when raid healing. Despite this, with their mega heals and almost limitless utility, Paladins have proven that their value far outweighs their faults.

Restoration Shaman

Instant heals, AoE heals, instant heals, cast-timer heals, Heals over Time, and...TOTEMS! The Restoration Shaman really has it all and that is exactly why this healer makes our list. Easily topping the healing charts, the Shaman is a combination of a flexible healing combined with incredible utility. Both of which, when used to their full potential, make an amazing healer.

As mentioned, the Shaman is so powerful in this particular patch because of their ability to throw out almost every type of heal. While the Shaman is most typically associated with Chain Heal, they have a plethora of other heals to fit almost every situation. Able to heal proactive and reactive fashion, Shaman can easily heal through any type of damage, even if they aren't expecting it.

The true mark of the Shaman, however, is their Totems. Totems are something no other healing class can provide and they are impressive. Even novice Shaman can make use of these beauties, while more experienced Shaman can take it to the next level and provide their parties with a depth of utility to their parties that is simply mind-boggling.

With a variety of heals, utility spells, and Totems, Shaman in Patch 6.1 employ a jack-of-all-trades play style that has them easily fulfilling their healing duties while also performing other vital roles like interrupting or crowd control. The downside to the Shaman? Many of their heals rely on other spells to reach their full potential. Players wishing to make the most of this healer will need to know exactly which spell benefits the next and use them accordingly.

Restoration Druid

Of course, there always has to be someone on top. In this case it is, without a doubt, the Restoration Druid. With their powerful Heal Over Time spells, Druid healers are one of the most mobile healers in the game. The Druid can place a heal on a target and then turn to other things like dodging fiery explosions or casting more HoTs, all while on the run. A well played Druid will never have the struggle of wondering if they need to stop and cast a heal or run to a new location.

Besides their super mobility, Druids are also sporting some strong cool downs that benefit themselves and the rest of their group. These cool downs can easily save the raid in an intense moments. Examples of these cool downs include; Rebirth, Barkskin, and the always powerful Tranquility. Rebirth is one of only four in-game abilities that can bring a player back from death, while Tranqulity is a powerful raid wide heal that can counteract extremely heavy damage. This healer is packed with utility.

The only downfall of the Druid is that they need to take a more proactive role than other healers. They cannot simply wait for damage to happen and then correct it. Instead they must know when damage will be coming, who will be taking it, and then apply the correct heal for the situation. With that being said, if you know the fight and your abilities well, the Druid is a formidable healing force, well worthy of this top position.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016