Tournament Announced for Cal Ripken's Real Baseball

by on Apr 14, 2008

<strong>Celebrate Cinco de Mayo without the tequila for a change...</strong>

Celebrate Cinco de Mayo without the tequila for a change...

Cal Ripken's Real Baseball, one of the few games in the small but growing niche of sports MMORPGs, is starting a single elim tournament on the original Mexican holiday next month.

The Cinco de Mayo Invitational will be a single elimination tournament.The registration period begins today and will be open until May 4, 2008. Players can earn their share of over $2,000 in prizes. Prizes include memberships to and JRO High Performance Sunglasses from Elite Eyewear.

Each Tournament game will be six-innings and scheduled three-to-five days a week. Real Baseball seeds their tournament based on a first to register first seed basis. Players that have reached Level 10 with their character are eligible to participate in Real Baseball events and at that time, they are also allowed to join or create a team.

Full tournament details are available at the Cal Ripken's Real Baseball official site.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016