TR Deployment 15 Will Reach Earth

by on Oct 27, 2008

<strong>Back where it all began</strong>

Back where it all began

Looking ahead, it seems that the next update for Tabula Rasa (Deployment 15) will take us back to where it all started: Earth. Specifically, New York City.

Tabula Rasa's setting has humans fighting for survival on an alien world after Earth was invaded and presumed destroyed by the Bane race. However, the next update will see players return to a ravaged Caprica, sorry Earth, and fight alongside a resistance force formed by the humans left behind.

Screens show combat in a ruined urban landscape, apparently "one of the most iconic cities on Earth" (New York City, going by the skyline silhouette, and the label on the minimap which reads "New York City").

The Earth map will feature "epic control point gameplay for level 48 to 50 players", new monsters including Epics and mini-bosses, opportunities to use mechs, and new armour sets.

In somewhat related news, Tabula Rasa's creator, Richard Garriott is back to Earth as well. He landed in Kazakhstan after spending two weeks at the International Space Station.

For more information, please check here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016