TR:Stephen Hawking in Space and New Lead Designer

by on Sep 24, 2008

<strong>Tabula Rasa adds two brains in one day!</strong>

Tabula Rasa adds two brains in one day!

Today Tabula Rasa announced that they will be adding Stephen Hawking to the list of celebrities for their Operation Immortality. If by some chance the pod is found with all of the DNA sequencing, I hope they don't mix up the Stephen Colbert with the Stephen Hawking codes, that could be scary.

Also announced today is the addition of a new Lead Designer for TR, Susan Kath. From the announcement we get to learn a little more about Susan:

"So, hello, everyone! My name is Susan and I’m the new Lead Designer of Tabula Rasa. I’ve been working on Tabula Rasa for the last four and a half years. I originally joined the project as the fiction writer, and then worked in early systems design, then as a mission designer and eventually Lead Mission Designer. I’ve worn many hats around here and acquired a good bit of knowledge about the game over the years. In fact, there’s a megaphone sitting beside me emblazoned with the words, “Hey, Susan!” given to me as a joke about the number of people who are in my office on a daily basis asking, “Hey, Susan… do you know how to do that thing with the stuff?” types of questions.

Prior to joining the Tabula Rasa team, I started the Community Relations department here at NC Austin and led that for several years. I also spent a few years in Community Relations at Origin, and before that got my start as a game designer at a company called Simutronics. Over the years, I’ve worked in both game development and publishing, on ‘live’ games and games in development. I’ve been fortunate enough to work with many smart, creative, people - and I hope to bring everything I’ve learned to this new role on Tabula Rasa."

Susan goes on to discuss the immediate plans and hot topics such as PvP by way of Clan-Owned Control Points, PAUs/Mechs, and Dynamic/Epic Content.

I hear you asking, "If she is the new lead, what happened to Tom Potter the previous Lead Designer? Well Tom has decided to leave Destination Studios and move into another "opportunity within the industry." We wish him well and all the best for Susan as she steps into her new role.

Read the rest of the announcement on Tabula Rasa's News.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016