Translated article about WoW expansion

by on Oct 21, 2005

I came across this article today that discusses the upcoming WoW expansion "The Burning Crusade".

I came across this article today that discusses the upcoming WoW expansion "The Burning Crusade". This is apparently a translation from an Italian magazine and website - TGM. I can not comment on the accuracy as I do not know Italian. However the translation does look realistic. Thanks to for hosting the translation. Please ignore the spelling and grammar mistakes; as English is not the translator's first language. A big thanks for the translation!

Kindly invited by Vivendi to visit Blizzard offices, we have the chance to have a preview about the details of “The Burning Crusade” the first World of Warcraft expansion that will create a revolution on some aspect of this bestseller game.

First of all the Background: Sargeras, the corrupted titan that represent the worst in the WoW universe, it’s always intented to destroy all the universe, has begin his work, his troups have never encountered any obstacle and have not stopped excepted for the resistance on Azeroth(that is both the region, the continent, the planet). But his actual plan for now is ignoring this place, for concentrating on the Outland. This is the name given at the point where are found the rest of the planet Draenor, the original planet of the orcs, rests that flown on the emptiness and grant the access to the Twisting Nether, a sort of parallel dimension that allow to reach every planes of esistance in the universe. It’s unuseful to say that a resource like this, a “node” like for invading all the worlds it’s extremely appetible for Sargera’s demoniac forces, and here we’ll be called the Azerothc forces, the only one that has shown the ability to combat the titan and his followers, Archimonde and Kill’Jaeden.

You can read the whole translation here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016