Trion Worlds Reveals the Plane of Air in Rift: Planes of Telara

by on Nov 18, 2010

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style="margin: 10px; border-collapse: collapse; float: right; width: 200px; height: 118px;"

title=""> src="" alt="Plane of Air" width="250" height="154"
style="border: 0px solid ; width: 250px; height: 154px;" /> href=""

style="font-style: italic;">Even the air isn't safe from rifts in Telara.

Trion Worlds returns this week to reveal another deadly plane in Rift: Planes of Telara. This time we adventure into the Plane of Air, home to griffons, rocs, harpies and an assortment of other dangerous creatures waiting to be released through one of the many dimensional rifts that constantly crack open on Telara. Check out the latest preview for a look at what dangers await players from the Plane of Air.

Like the onset of madness in a sane man, Telara may be scourged at any moment by evil from its very air. The sky could split above an open plain, or crack over the highest peaks. Crisp, serene air twists into a hateful storm, winds whipping and swirling with such fury they tear boulders from the earth, whirling them about like a mad juggler’s toys.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016