TTH Review of the World of Warcraft Collectors Edition

by on Nov 24, 2004

<b><center>TTH EXCLUSIVE</center></b><br /> <br /> <table border=1><td>

TTH EXCLUSIVE We at have seen a lot of comments and critiques over the Collectors edition and the additional cost over the last few days. I thought that we should provide a brief review of the box contents and our opinion of the value of the Collectors edition. Both Ratboy and Myself (Messiah) purchased the Collectors edition and are providing this as feedback to all those that have yet to purchase the game.

The Collectors addition comes with the following main items in addition to the regular version. The game on CD and DVD, a hardcover art book, a behind the scenes DVD, a sound track of the in-game music, a cloth map, access to a special in-game pet, and a 10 day guest pass. We will go through the items and give our opinion on them, then provide an overview of the entire package.

The complete article can be viewed here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016