Turbine's Truck at ComicCon

by on Jul 28, 2008

<strong>Now THAT'S a big screen.</strong>

Now THAT'S a big screen.

Turbine, the company behind DDO and Lord of the Rings Online, has been absent from a lot of events so far this summer, choosing to focus their attention on GenCon and PAX later this summer. Though it does seem they couldn't pass up the opportunity to show off Mines of Moria just a little.

However, this weekend we spotted a truck outside the San Diego Convention Center broadcasting a trailer for the upcoming Mines of Moria expansion with loudspeakers and a six-panel big screen. Seems Turbine decided that they couldn't afford to lose out on getting the word out to the geek crowd after all.

To see the truck, please check here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016