Two AA Guides Refreshed

by on May 29, 2006

<strong>There is hope for humanity after all...</strong><br /> <br /> Our most popular class guides for the human race - the Auto Assault Commando and Agent guides - got quite an update over the weekend. Check it out!<br /> <br /> <hr /><br /> Comman

There is hope for humanity after all...

Our most popular class guides for the human race - the Auto Assault Commando and Agent guides - got quite an update over the weekend. Check it out!

Commandos are a class of two things, tanks and explosions. We've gone to our class guide for these noble soldiers and revamped the entire guide. We've reorganized the skill list, included a guide on how to play the Commando, and added tons of Commando related information.

The Commando is a class designed for fighting in the front lines. Understanding this will go along way when adventuring out in the wastelands. For instance, where others may have to stand back and be careful, the Commando can bust in and stand toe to toe with the enemy. The playstyle of the Commando has a lot of room for error since they have a lot of HP and DPS (Damage Per Second).

Head on over to our Commando Class Guide at Auto Assault - Ten Ton Hammer!

Our Agent class guide has had a tune-up and an oil change. We've gone through and updated all of the information, reorganized the skill list, and added even more information to our already extensive class guide!

Being an Agent means you sacrifice utility, support, and tanking ability for damage and stealth. That does not mean you cannot fill any of those roles, but there are other classes that can do them better and much more efficient then the Agent. Understanding this is the first step to mastering the Agent class.

Take a ride over to our Agent Class Guide at Auto Assault - Ten Ton Hammer!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016