UI improvements in 1.6 patch!

by on Jun 24, 2005

There are going to be numerous improvements to the default WoW client when patch 1.6 is released. The improvments expected are:<br />

There are going to be numerous improvements to the default WoW client when patch 1.6 is released. The improvments expected are:

The ability to shift-click on item links when your chat editbox is open and have them pasted into your chat. Party pet toggle. Improvements to tab selection cycling. Guild members' names will autofill, similar to how it fills for friends. Option for the client to remember your account name. Consumed items, (potions, bombs, etc), will stay on your action bar and gray out until you obtain more of that item. New scripting commands.

UI Forum was the source.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016