Ulthuan - 09.19.07

by on Sep 19, 2007

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Official information from EA Mythic

The arrival of House Uthorin's massive Black Ark at the northern coast of the Blighted Isle

represents the first strike in the Dark Elves' invasion of Ulthuan. Just as the legions of

Druchii warriors spill out onto the craggy, mist-shrouded bluffs of black rock, they are

ambushed by the warriors of the Shining Guard. The Blighted Isle is a place of particular

importance to the Dark Elves, for it is home to the dread Shrine of Khaine, the Lord of Murder

that the Druchii revere.

To the south of the Blighted Isle lies Chrace, where the land rises steeply to meet the

pine-covered slopes of the Annulii Mountains. Here, the legendary White Lions of Chrace make

their home. They are among the fiercest and most courageous warriors in all of Ulthuan, and

will show no mercy to any Dark Elf invaders they meet on the field on battle.

Like the Blighted Isle, the Shadowlands are a bleak, rocky region blanketed in perpetual

gloom. Over the millennia, many epic battles have been fought in this place, and the land

itself seems cursed for it. Once, in an age long past, a great Elven kingdom called Nagarythe

flourished in the north of Ulthuan. Malekith inherited this realm, and during the Sundering it

was utterly destroyed. The Shadowlands are all that remain, its shores patrolled by the grim

and silent Shadow Warriors who watch for threats from the Dark Elves.

The Dark Elves have for millennia gazed with envious eyes toward the plains of Ellyrion,

for this kingdom of gentle summers and mild winters is home to the finest breeds of

swift-footed steeds to be found in Ulthuan, and perhaps in all the world. The horses of

Ellyrion are renowned for their courage and loyalty. Thundering across the golden steppes in

great herds, these exceptional mounts are prized by the noble lords of Ulthuan, and frequently

stolen by raiding parties from Naggaroth.

In stark contrast to the foreboding islands of the north is Avelorn, a woodland realm of

eternal summer. The oldest of Ulthuan's kingdoms, Avelorn is blanketed in ancient magic that

preserves its unearthly beauty; a beauty eclipsed only by its ruler, the Everqueen. Should the

Dark Elves come this far, they will not hesitate to despoil the serene groves, poison the

trickling streams of clear water and wreck down the vine-covered trees, for to do so would be

to strike at the very heart of the High Elves.

Saphery lies to the south and east of Avelorn, on the shore of the Sea of Dreams. Called

the land of wizardry, Saphery is home to some of the most powerful mages in all of Ulthuan.

Among these, few as more potent that the Loremasters of the White Tower of Hoeth, a massive

edifice that stretches skyward into the clouds. Protecting these scholars are the fearsome

Sword Masters of Hoeth, who spend their lives mastering the art of combat with the


A realm of tall mountain peaks and vast, deep valleys, Caledor is home to the proud Dragon

Princes, noble warriors of ancient tradition. In the southern reaches of Caledor, on a great

peninsula of rock, is Vaul's Forge. In this great workshop, the acolytes of Vaul, the blind

Elven god of the forge, work day and night to craft enchanted armor and weapons for the

Phoenix King's armies.

In the eastern reaches of Caledor , not far from the border of Eataine, is a large expanse

of rugged terrain known as Dragonwake. Legend holds that one day, the ancient dragons who

slumber here in deep caves will be roused to battle once again alongside their ancient allies,

as they did in the old wars against Chaos. Now, the earth beneath Dragonwake rumbles and

shakes, and black smoke rises once more from volcanoes long dormant.

Still further east is Eataine, homeland of the Phoenix King and crown jewel of Ulthuan.

Here, sloping green plains roll gently down from the peaks of Caledor to meet the sea. Eataine

is home to Lothern, the capital city of Ulthuan. The glittering silver spires and pristine

marble walls of Lothern are an awesome reminder of the majesty and craftsmanship of the

ancient High Elves, but now the great city has come under siege as the second phase of the

Dark Elves' invasion begins. The cunning Druchii have blockaded the Straits of Lothern in

order to prevent reinforcements and supplies from reaching the Inner Kingdoms of Ulthuan by


From the forbidding northern reaches of Ulthuan to its glimmering capital in the south, war

is spreading rapidly across the island home of the High Elves.

Ten Ton thoughts:

Well, it's all pretty straight forward. This is the land of the Elves. A land of power.

A land of beauty. A land of ancient arts and long forgotten mythos. This is where you'll start

if you choose to play an Elf of either side. With four more classes to be revealed for the

High elves/DarkElves, I expect this little piece of land to be heavily overcrowded. However,

one thing is for certain. Whether you decide to fight for Malekith or you decide to fight for

Phoenix King, Ulthuan is shaping up to be one very cool place to be.



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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016