Understanding Gold and the Economy

by on Apr 06, 2010

One of the first items new players will encounter while exploring World of Warcraft is money.

One of the first items new players will encounter while exploring World
of Warcraft is money. Collecting your first Copper pieces can be a
heady experience, but for those not familiar with the game it could
also cause confusion. What exactly do you do with money, where does it
come from, and how does it affect the world around me are all questions
that may be asked. This week Mem will attempt to answer these questions
by going over the basics of money in the World of Warcraft.

Money in the World of
Warcraft comes in three separate units of
measurement; Copper, Silver, and Gold. Players rarely type out the full
name for each unit of money, choosing instead to use one letter
abbreviations. Copper is represented by a c, Silver by an s, and Gold
by a g. So instead of seeing 40 Gold, 20 Silver, and 12 Copper in game
it is more likely to appear as 40g, 20s, 12c. Understanding these
abbreviations will not only save you time, but will also help you avoid
mistakes when buying and selling items later on.

To read more click href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/wow/guides/newbie/Gold"

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016