Vanguard: A Look at Virtual Memories

by on Mar 08, 2006

<strong>Anticipating Some Memories</strong><br /> <br /> Merriandra takes a last look at Virtual Memories at Vanguard - TenTonHammer with <a href="">In Anticipation: T

Anticipating Some Memories

Merriandra takes a last look at Virtual Memories at Vanguard - TenTonHammer with In Anticipation: The Promise of Memories

It is true that we, as gamers, will never be as unsophisticated as we were in the early days of UO or EQ. I look at it as a progressive ladder, like my experiences on the first day of school. My first day of high school was completely different than my first day of kindergarten, and yet they both inspired fear, and anticipation, and a sense that something better was just over the horizon.

Make some memories with Vanguard - TenTonHammer while we all eagerly anticipate Vanguard's release later this year.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016