Vanguard Editorial: Official Forum Hijinx

by on Apr 21, 2006

<strong>Ah, the train wreck known as a game's "official forums"...</strong><br /> <br /> Today AnomalousSilence takes a look at current trends in the posting on official forums. The good, the bad, and the truly ugly...<br /> <blockquote>“WTF!!! omgz Bl

Ah, the train wreck known as a game's "official forums"...

Today AnomalousSilence takes a look at current trends in the posting on official forums. The good, the bad, and the truly ugly...

“WTF!!! omgz Blizzard joo sux!!! wtf is w/ the shaman nerfs?!?11 nerf priests
“Go suck a Tauren, n00b.”

“SOE is all about the $$!!!!! They dun care about teh player base!!!! $@#& you, SOE! Im leaving.”
“Can I have ur stuff? lol”

“Hi. I’m new here and was curious as to when Vanguard is going to release. I am so siked for this game. I’m playin WoW ATM.”
“Use the search engine! N00B!
/thwapp :P”

These are examples of the common official message board behavior of MMORPG players.

AnomalousSilence takes forum trolls to task. Read the full article at Vanguard - TenTonHammer. We promise not to flame you!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016