Vanguard Interview On Diplomacy

by on Jun 29, 2006

<b>VGTact Talks With Steve Williams</b><br /> <br /> VGTact has posted an interview with Steve Williams, Associate Designer on Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Keep reading to find out more about the much awaited Diplomacy Sphere. <br /> <br /> <blockquote><

VGTact Talks With Steve Williams

VGTact has posted an interview with Steve Williams, Associate Designer on Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. Keep reading to find out more about the much awaited Diplomacy Sphere.

"From the several leaked beta newsletters, we've heard that Diplomacy is being revised and improved - can you comment on how Diplomacy is improving, and how major of a change it is?"

Making the art of conversation 'fun' can be quite the challenge. Beta test feedback and our own internal review of the systems we had implemented showed that they needed a facelift. For this reason we sat down and took a good hard look at the ultimate decision-maker of the success of a system: gameplay. Going from that standpoint, we are moving closer to the concept of what I call "the dance of argument" - pushing and pulling on each other until one side comes out victorious.

The playtests of the enhanced system that Zahariel and I have cooked up is like nothing seen before in an MMO - yet, we're building off the original system and the original vision of Diplomacy.

Read the rest of this interview at VGTact.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016