Vanguard: Interview with a Guild Leader

by on Aug 28, 2006

<b>Guild Leader Interview: Xaices of Reverenced Ire</b><br /> <br /> What does it take to pull together a successful raiding guild before your game of choice even launches? Xaices, guild leader of Reverenced Ire, believes his guild experiences in other

Guild Leader Interview: Xaices of Reverenced Ire

What does it take to pull together a successful raiding guild before your game of choice even launches? Xaices, guild leader of Reverenced Ire, believes his guild experiences in other MMOs have led him to some answers. He's planning to lead his guild to raiding victory in Vanguard: Saga of Heroes. How will he do it? Check out our interview to get Xaices' his take.

[TTH]: As you see it, what are the biggest challenges of leading a pre-launch guild?

[Xaices]: Involvement! A pre-release guild leader probably has a more difficult job than that of an in-game GL. Without a game to be played there is nothing to really build camaraderie and to keep members active and interested. So how do you keep everyone interested and active, build camaraderie, and lay the foundations for teamwork with no game to play? It’s difficult; I’ll tell you that--I’m still trying to figure that one out.

The rest of this interview is just a click away. Are you part of a Vanguard Guild? Stop by the forums and share your thoughts with us at Vanguard Ten Ton Hammer.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016