Vanguard: MMOtivations

by on Sep 15, 2006

<b>What Drives You to Play?</b><br /> <br /> Richard Bartle defined the four primary gaming types as Achievers, Explorers, Socializers, and Killers? Our weekly poll asks the question: what motivates you in an MMO? For me it's all about reaching my goals

What Drives You to Play?

Richard Bartle defined the four primary gaming types as Achievers, Explorers, Socializers, and Killers? Our weekly poll asks the question: what motivates you in an MMO? For me it's all about reaching my goals. For you pleasure could come in the form of ganking newbies. It's all in how you play it; so tell us what makes you tick!

"Achievers are motivated by their in-game goals. These are the players who want to quickly move to the top of the food chain and earn both levels and loot. The Achiever is the person who always has the best gear at raids, or the one who insists on clawing his way to max level faster than everyone else."

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016