Vanguard: New Poll: Love Stinks

by on Oct 27, 2006

<b>Weekly Poll: Love Stinks</b><br /> <br /> Something painful and tragic can happen when you like a game in development, something that will rend your heart into little pieces (and perhaps even put a dent in your wallet). When you care about a game, yo

Weekly Poll: Love Stinks

Something painful and tragic can happen when you like a game in development, something that will rend your heart into little pieces (and perhaps even put a dent in your wallet). When you care about a game, you risk the stinging cold slap of reality, because there's always a chance that...your chosen game could suck. Have you been burned by an MMO in development? Tell us about it and vote in our poll!

"It's not you, it's me," I told SOE during the exit survey. But I didn't believe that. Eventually I copped to the truth: "You're not the game that I thought you were." I skulked off to do something more productive with my time, like reading a book while listening to an endless succession of breakup songs.

Where do you come in on this topic? Head over to the poll and cast your vote. When you're done don't forget to stop by the Ten Ton Hammer Forums and share your thoughts with us!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016