VG: Ancient Port Warehouse - An Interview with Avarem

by on Oct 04, 2007

<strong>It's the first raid instance, and it's a... warehouse? Woo. Watch out for those rats.</strong> Today, SOE announced Vanguard raids will be launched with support of up to 18 players. Additionally, they will be including "lockout timers" to hel

It's the first raid instance, and it's a... warehouse? Woo. Watch out for those rats.

Today, SOE announced Vanguard raids will be launched with
support of up to 18 players. Additionally, they will be including "lockout
timers" to help prevent groups of players monopolizing content. Ten Ton
Hammer managed to snag an interview with Vanguard Game Designer, Andrew
"Avarem" Krausnick.

Due to the fact that APW will be our first raid dungeon, the goal
is to provide content that hopefully a wide range of players can enjoy.
Our entrance wing is being tuned towards a more casual or less organized
raid group. This isn’t to say that we’re going to make it easy - it will
require some coordination and time spent, but before those guilds step
foot in any of the other wings they may want to spend some time farming
the first few bosses.

Read the whole interview at Ten Ton Hammer's VG site.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016