Videogame Addictions: WOW Featured

by on Apr 15, 2008

<strong>Are you addicted to video games?</strong> Interested in learning about video game addiction? Listen to what Clinical psychologist Dr. Tanya Byron has to say.

Are you addicted to video games?

Interested in learning about video game addiction? Listen to what Clinical psychologist Dr. Tanya Byron has to say.

This evening BBC2 here in the UK aired a TV show looking at various types of addiction, whether it be drug, alcohol and even videogames. As WoW is such a popular game. a segment of the show focused on videogame addiction and specifically WoW. Clinical psychologist Dr Tanya Byron talks to WoW addicts and takes a trip to Amsterdam to find out how they are treating videogame addicts.

Check out the video on the BBC Iplayer.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016