VirginWorlds Vanguard Review - He Said, She Said

by on Mar 05, 2008

<strong>Has it gotten any better? Read to find out.</strong>

Has it gotten any better? Read to find out.

Darren of the Common Sense Gamer and Jaye of Journeys with Jaye take another look at Vanguard and re-review it in an interesting he-said she-said format at the MMOG news, blogging, and podcasting site VirginWorlds.

I tasked myself to do this for VirginWorlds some time ago and part of the reason why it was taking so long is because I really did not know how to tackle this review. It was not because I had writers block or have not been playing was because nothing but only minor details would change from my previous review. Now, don't get me wrong, Vanguard has gone through some BIG changes since I wrote that review last year. It's had three game updates which saw lots of content and performance changes....but I'll be tackling this review, as always, as if I were a new person coming in and experiencing it for the first time. Of course, mileage may vary. To counter my noobishness and to give a bit more "oomph" to it all, I've asked Jaye to give me a hand and turn this into a kind of "He Said, She Said" kind of review.
So let's handle this a different way then. What I'm going to do is critic my own review from last time. Where I was off? Where I was on...and what has changed since last we left Vanguard.

Stop over by VirginWorlds to check it out.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016