WAR: A Look at Living Guilds with EA Mythic - Finale

by on Jul 11, 2008

<strong>Hurry, HURRY! We have to level the guild and unlock the tavern! I NEED A DRINK!!</strong>

Hurry, HURRY! We have to level the guild and unlock the tavern! I NEED A DRINK!!

Well, we've been talking to Christian "The Dark Knight Returns" Bales and Josh "The Joker" Drescher all week about Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning's living guild system, but alas all good things must come to an end. In the final segment of our interview, the dynamic duo discuss more on Standard Bearers, a bit on ideas for guild rewards, and what you get from the whole guild alliance deal. This a special feature that you don't need to hit up Fandango two weeks in advance for, so come take a look at the last installment of Ten Ton Hammer's "A Look at Living Guilds with EA Mythic - Finale"

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016