WAR: A Look at Living Guilds with EA Mythic Part 1

by on Jul 07, 2008

One of the core mechanics of EA Mythic's Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is "Living Guilds," a testament of their overall importance.

One of the core mechanics of EA Mythic's Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning is "Living Guilds," a testament of their overall importance. While such ideas communicate the old school style of guildcentric activities, this game promises to implement them in new ways. Associate Producer Josh Drescher and Designer Christian Bales sat down with Ten Ton Hammer recently and talked about Standards, Tactics, why Josh hates people, and what we can information we can expect to hear about with the upcoming Guild Beta.

Ten Ton Hammer: Will the Tactics have the same type of swapibility players have and will there be situations where you need to swap?

Christian Bales: Tactics on Standards are going to work a little different on players. Once you actually save Tactics to your Standard, you lock that Standard with those Tactics down for 24 hours. That's a conscious decision on the part of the guild officer or leader when they put those tactics in. There are restrictions on certain types of Tactics and where they can be slotted on particular Standards. That is more information we are going to release with Guild Beta.

A Look at Living Guilds with EA Mythic Part 1

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016