WAR: Coyote Goes Waaaghing

by on Sep 25, 2008

<p>Dragged kicking and screaming from his other MMO loves, Ten Ton Hammer's very own Coyote Sharptongue was handed a copy of Mythic Entertainment's Warhammer Online.

Dragged kicking and screaming from his other MMO loves, Ten Ton Hammer's very own Coyote Sharptongue was handed a copy of Mythic Entertainment's Warhammer Online. Assured by his friends that the other games would never find out, Coyote agreed to load up the game and give it a shot. Then the unthinkable happened: it turned out he kind of likes it.

You can follow Coyote's adventures in WAR as he shares his Not Funny... Ever stories in his daily column.

Humans, Dwarves and Elves band together in hopes of shining the light of good into the heart of darkness as they face down the hoards of Darkness. Orcs, Dark Elves, and Chaos twisted men and women who follow the path of Destruction stand in the way of hope and salvation as they try to wrest control of the very land upon which they stand.

Who will win you may ask?

That’s easy.

Destruction. DUH.

Because good is dumb.

Coyote Goes Waaaghing

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016