WAR EU: Server Transfers Coming

by on Nov 11, 2008

<p>Players in the European market of Mythic Entertainment's Warhammer Online will be having an opportunity for free server transfers in the near future.

Players in the European market of Mythic Entertainment's Warhammer Online will be having an opportunity for free server transfers in the near future. Similar to the transfers that the North American players experienced, the goal is to help balance out the population on under and over populated servers. GOA promises to announce the date of the start of the transfers in the near future.

Core Roleplay Servers
Players on Makaisson will have the choice to move to Burlock

Open RvR Roleplay Servers
Players on Ellyrion will have the choice to move to Alarielle

Players on the following Core servers will have the opportunity to transfer to either the Karak Izor or the Karak Norn server:

Karak Ungor
Tor Anroc
Worlds Edge Mountains

Players on the following Open RvR servers will have the opportunity to move to the Dragonback Mountains server:

Clar Karond
Mount Silverspear
Sea of Dreams
Finuval Plain

WAR EU Server Transfers Coming

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016