WAR Event Overview - 1.30.07 - Page 3 / 5

by on Jan 30, 2007

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Public Quests

As my computer was experiencing technical difficulties (not the game, which seemed fairly stable judging by the folks around me) I missed out on the Empire public quest. I was determined to get in on the Chaos public quest and did. The topic of public quests is worth explaining, since it's one of the most exciting mechanisms Warhammer Online has to offer. Basically it's a quest given not by a NPC or item, but by a location. You enter the public quest by walking into a location; in the example of Chaos, a graveyard in the middle of an Empire town. The first step could be done solo (but faster by a group), e.g. kill some number of militiamen around the graveyard. The next step could be completed by an individual, but it's difficult, as in holding off the spawns long enough to harvest the souls marked by tombstones and summon the Tzeentchian demon (Tzeentch, the bird god, is the most, er, respectable of the four gods Chaos worships, and as such was chosen as its divinity in Warhammer Online). This promptly starts the last step, which requires a large group to help the rather fragile demon hold off the Empire bright wizards who come to put things back in order. In the example, the whole ordeal took about 10 minutes (if that) and is repeatable. If the PQ becomes stuck on a step, it reverts to the prior step after a few minutes of inactivity.

Content Director Destin Bales talks about Public Quests

In addition to the rather decent loot found as a result of killing the enemy mobs such as the bright wizards in the PQ above, a certain amount of loot is guaranteed so long as you participate and by doing so, gather influence in the area. Influence is used to unlock three tiers of special equipment for an area: basic, advanced, and elite. "What we expect most players to do is generally hit the advanced item and move on." Destin Bales, the Content Director stated. "One of the questions we had was do you have to continue or can you continue to grind on the same public quest? You can, but there's a variety - you can actually go to 2 or 3 other quests in the same area."

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016