WAR Fiction: The Sword is Forged, Chapter Two

by on Nov 26, 2008

<p>The next chapter in The Sword is Forged has been released by Mythic Entertainment.

The next chapter in The Sword is Forged has been released by Mythic Entertainment. This fiction story follows a newly made Knight of the Burning Sun in Warhammer Online, as she ventures out into the world. This week: Grimmenhagen Village, and the battle that rages there.

"I can quell the cannon," said the old priest in a quavering voice. "But the ceremony takes time. You will have to hold the temple until I complete it. Otherwise another crew could man the gun and we would be no better off than before." He sighed and held up his handless arm. "And unfortunately, I will not be able to help you fight."

The Sword is Forged, Chapter Two

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016