WAR Journal: Heavy Metal

by on Nov 18, 2008

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heavy metal diary

style="color: rgb(204, 153, 51); font-size: 18pt; font-weight: bold;">WAR
Journal: Heavy Metal

Week 1

style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">As you open your Tome of Knowledge
today, you may notice the new guitar riff that pours out from the Live
Event tab. Heavy Metal has
begun, and a call to arms has gone out to every member of the realms.
The two week long event requires a daily commitment from each
Warhammer Online player that hopes to earn the great rewards t style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">he Tome of Knowledge promises. At a
Basic level, a new trophy can hang from  your belt, showing your
dedication to all who pass by. The Advanced reward is a
spectacular new cloak, attainable only during the event. 
The Elite reward is the ultimate prize: a chest that holds the secrets
training as a style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 255, 153);">Black Guard
or Knight
of the Burning Sun
, long before
the classes are opened to the masses style="color: rgb(255, 255, 255);">.

Ten Ton Hammer will be there every step of the way, updating this daily
journal with the tasks as the Tome of Knowledge assigns them. Tune in
each day to keep track of our quest to successfully complete the Heavy
Metal Live Event.

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style="font-weight: bold;">Order

The front lines of Order's righteous
struggle against the malign forces of Destruction will soon be
bolstered by the Knights of the Blazing Sun! The Knights, called from
all corners of the Empire to perform their duty, will gather together
in numbers never seen before! As elite warriors, expert tacticians, and
brave templars of the goddess Myrmidia, the Knights of the Blazing Sun
are dedicated to claiming complete victory over Chaos and its allies!
style="font-style: italic;">Do your part to ensure their success!
The Empire's survival depends upon your contribution.


Our pathetic foes teeter upon the
edge of a precipice. Only a nudge is required to send these enemies to
their final, pitiable doom. The mighty Black Guard of Malekith has
conquered the Elven lands of Yvresse and Cothique, and now moves
rapidly to join in the main invasion. Within a fortnight, Order's
defeat will be all but assured by their arrival. The Dark Elves that
serve within this elite cadre are fearless and driven to victory by
their all-consuming hatred of their enemies. The purity of a Black
Guard's hate, combined with his mastery of arms and armor, will herald
out inevitable conquest of the entire world.
style="font-style: italic;">Triumph is not without price.
Dedicate yourself to Change, for there is no greater purpose.

18th, 2008:
in the Reikland Factory Scenario
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Resolving to do my part and aid my Realm, I dive in to the first task
my Tome has assigned me. I must journey to the recently opened Reikland
Factory and help defend it from our enemies. Four strategic points have
been identified inside, and my opponents must not be allowed to hold
them. The Warehouse, style="font-weight: bold;">Machine Shop

, style="font-weight: bold;">Steamtank Plant and style="font-weight: bold;">Landing will
never fall! I'm heartened to see I will not battle alone, as I am
joined by many of my peers.

Our warband split off into smaller groups to claim and defend the key
points in the area. It seemed the longer we successfully held our
position, the stronger our side became. Eventually we tallied enough
kills and successes to cause our enemy to give up, and they retreated
to their homelands.

My Tome of Knowledge has recorded my efforts for today, but I can see
this fight is not over, yet. 13 more assignments will come over the
next two weeks... I just hope I have the strength to survive them.

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19th, 2008:
Complete 3
Stages of a Public Quest

I was pleasantly surprised with the task required of me today. My Tome
told me to go out into the lands, and complete 3 Stages of a Public
Quest. Since it didn't specify where I need to go to accomplish the
mission, I decided to return to my roots. It had been a long, long time
since I had visited my native Nordland,
and I relished the chance to
return home. I made my way to the grumpy dwarf at the nearby camp, who
assisted me with strapping in to one of his crazy flying contraptions.
I'll never understand why they can't just use a good, solid horse.

I landed in Nordland inside the Warcamp there. I gave a friendly wave
to General
as I rode by; he was a key figure in my early
training. I followed the path west towards style="font-weight: bold;">Grey Lady Coaching Inn
where nearby the giant windmill was still burning.  I spent a lot
of time here in my younger days, and I easily fell back in to the
routine of killing Horrors and the Chaos horde that commanded them. As
the final Hero fell at my feet, my Tome of Knowledge rang with a
warming sound. Yet another successful day has passed, and I'm well on
my way to earning my first reward.

20th, 2008:
the Scouting Quest that begins in Reikland Factory Scenario

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I ventured back to the Reikland
today, as I had received word
that my allies required my assistance. As soon as our ship landed, I
jumped down to the dock and spotted my contact inside. style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 255, 153);">Adele Gondry

looked a wee bit frazzled, and grateful that I had come to help her.
She offered me a quest named A
Wrench in the Works

Something always breakin' down around
here, and it's not just wear and tear, if you get my drift. Once you
get past the landing you'll find 'em monkeyin' about with the
warehouse, trying' to get into the machine shop or, Sigmar forbid,
messin' with the plant itself.

The worst thing is when they do
manage to get into somethin' and we don't find out what they did 'til
weeks later. That's why I need your help! Go check out all those places
and let me know if you see anything suspicious.

The task was easy enough, seeing as how I had just been here a few days
ago. I quickly veered off to the east, riding up the path to the east
to the first objective. Everything seemed stable, so I moved west, were
I arrived in the midst of a large battle. My allies and I quickly
dispatched with the enemy, and I moved inside to the main plant area.
Only a few enemy were found here, leaving me with lots of time to head
back toward the landing. It seemed everyone fought in this spot, and it
was a close fight, knocking people off the platform to protect the
flag. As a break in the battle came, I returned to Adele to report what
I had seen.

Thanks for the report, it's good to
know what we're up against. Without people like us this place would be
fallin' apart faster than it already is.

Another day gone, and another task marked off in my Tome. I wonder what
tomorrow brings?

style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 204, 51);">November
21st, 2008:
Visit the
Herald in a Capital City

Gathering my supplies for another expected battle quest, I rode off to
Altdorf to visit with the Herald there. Apparently he would be issuing
the orders for today. I was a little
nervous, having never directly spoken with a style="color: rgb(255, 255, 153); font-weight: bold;">Grand Master
before, and I wasn't sure what he would think of just a
lowly wizard.

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I stepped off the Dwarven flying machine inside the grand halls of
Altdorf, my home city. The incredible buildings never cease to amaze me
when I come to visit. It wasn't difficult to locate the Herald here, as
I pushed my way through the crowd of my peers to kneel at his feet. To
my surprise I wasn't expected to rush off to fight the enemy. In
appreciation for the work I had performed so far, I was rewarded with
the Herald's Signet, a new trophy to wear on my armor. I proudly pinned
the Signet to my belt, where all could see it.

It is a day of rest, which is a good thing. I smell blood in the near

style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 204, 51);">November
22nd, 2008:
Find the
Sand Castle in the Reikland Factory Scenario

Ahh, I was right. The smell of blood fills the air as we tear through
our Destruction foes at the Reikland Factory. I've been sent here for a
specific purpose, to locate a mysterious sand castle. Really? A sand
castle is that important to the forces of Order? I've got to see this.

Theorizing that a sand castle would have to be on the beach, I scanned
the water line as I continued to combat the enemy with fire. There it
was, just down the way to the east, up against a stone wall. I rode up
next to it, looking for anything of significance around the sand
castle. It's just a sand castle, for all I can see. Perhaps this was
just a strange scouting test.

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style="font-weight: bold; color: rgb(255, 204, 51);">November
23rd, 2008:
Visit a
Capital City

Whomever is in charge of this event has a strange sense of humor. All
that was required of me today was to visit a Capital City. As soon as I
stepped off the 'copter in Altdorf, I received word that I had
completed my task.

It would have been more fun if they told me to visit the enemy city;
now that would have been quite an adventure. That does make me wonder,
though, if any member of the Order realms has made it to the Inevitable
City. I know the campaign that pushes toward the gates rages on, but as
far as I've heard, the Destruction guards have successfully repelled
every attempt.

Well, in any case, as long as I'm here, I may as well visit the
auctioneer. These boots are getting a little ragged.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016