WAR Live Event: The Witching Night

by on Oct 28, 2008

<html> <head> </head> <span style="color: rgb(204, 153, 51); font-size: 16pt; font-weight: bold;">WAR Live Event: The Witching Night

style="color: rgb(204, 153, 51); font-size: 16pt; font-weight: bold;">WAR
Live Event:
The Witching Night

style="color: rgb(204, 153, 51); font-size: 12pt; font-weight: bold;">

29th -
November 2nd, 2008

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A chill is in the air. The
moons Morrslieb and Mannslieb wax
bathing the land in an eerie, pale light. The furtive footfalls of
creatures unknown crunch on dead leaves deep in the dark woods. Strange
apparitions half-glimpsed between the skeletal limbs of trees wander in
the shadowy hollows. The souls of men are filled with dread, for the
Witching Night approaches!

We are pleased to announce the
first live event
for Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning. The Witching Night will bring
to life one of the Warhammer world's most mysterious and dangerous
times of the year, when the veil that separates the realms of the
living and the dead parts, and tormented souls wander the land in
search of a peace they will never find. For some, it is a time to cower
fearfully behind locked doors, praying to their gods for protection.
For others, it is a rare opportunity to practice forbidden rites of
dark power.

Read on for a summary of the
special features we'll be adding to
the game in this dark season.


The constant warfare and the
approach of the Witching Night have
awakened ancient horrors from their slumber, daring brave warriors from
the armies of Order and Destruction to conquer them in the name of

Four new Public Quests will be
added to the game,
spread across all tiers and pairings. Unlike the game's current public
quests, these will be set inside of the Open RvR areas, allowing
players to compete directly against each other to earn influence that
will earn them rewards offered by one of the new Herald NPCs we'll be
adding to the capital cities.

These new public quests are
different in two
important ways. First, they're located in RvR lakes, rather than in PvE
areas. In particular, the locations for the new public quests are as

The Tier 1 Public Quest will be located in Chrace The Tier 2 Public Quest will be located in Troll Country The Tier 3 Public Quest will be located in Black Fire Pass The Tier 4 Public Quest will be located in Caledor

Also, because of the
special nature of these Public Quests and the
rewards that players can earn by participating in them, the quests will
reset less frequently than you might be used to. Expect a few hours to
pass after a Witching Night Public Quest is completed before you'll be
able to try it again.

Ghosts of the Fallen


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Keen-eyed players will spot the
ghosts of fallen warriors roaming
battlefields of WAR. There one moment and gone the next, these fleeting
apparitions are not hostile, but if caught and killed, they have a
chance to offer one of the Witching Night's special rewards

the Witches!

Witches and cultists long in
hiding have come out to perform unholy
rituals that capture the souls of the dead for some unknown, nefarious
purpose. They gather around great cauldrons, chanting the names of
blasphemous entities. Those who stumble across these secret cabals can
free the trapped sprits of the dead and then claim their rewards for

has its

The wearing of masks has
long been the custom of Witching Night, and
WAR will offer four such costume masks that players can obtain by
participating in the event. These masks will be difficult to obtain:
one is an Elite-level influence reward and the others are very rare
drops on enemy players and the witches and ghosts who will inhabit the
land for only this event. All four masks can be worn by each of the
game's playable races.

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Also, a special cloak with
unique art will be offered during
Night, and players can also earn a unique title. In addition, there
will be new potions and trinkets to claim. All rewards for the event
can be used by players of any level.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016