WAR: Mark Jacobs Blogs

by on Sep 04, 2008

<p>One of the big guys at Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning has started a new online blog.

One of the big guys at Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning has started a new online blog. Mark Jacobs, General Manager and VP of Mythic Entertainment, and Lead Game Designer for Warhammer Online, has a new forum for chatting with the fans. Here's a taste of what Mark has had to say, so far.

With the increased competition of free-to-do-almost-nothing-fun games and other models, there’s a lot of chatter in the investment community about whether high-end, subscription-based MMORPGs are a good investment. As I said during a panel at GDC, there was a lot of very dumb money in this space (Hey, let’s give 25M to guys who know nothing about MMORPGs and sometimes nothing about online games other than they played them. What could possibly go wrong with that?) and that I thought the money would start to leave this space once some of the games I expected to tank did just that. The money guys run very, very hot and cold and right now, they are getting on their winter coats.

Mark Jacobs' Blog

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016