WAR Patch Tomorrow - Healing Love

by on Oct 29, 2008

<strong>Guild rewards and a bit of healing love in tomorrow's patch.</strong>

Guild rewards and a bit of healing love in tomorrow's patch.

The dev team over at Warhammer Online continue to burn the midnight oil as they crank out patches and updates. The next iteration 1.0.4 will be implemented during tomorrow's (October 29th) maintenance period which is intended to last about six hours. Guess I'll get some work done in the morning. The patch includes some nice upgrades for guilds and time frames for city sieges:

Gunbad Teleport Scroll - This reward is unlocked at guild rank 29, and will teleport the player into the entrance lobby area of the Gunbad Tunnels.

Bastion Stair Teleport Scroll - This reward is unlocked at guild rank 32, and will teleport the player into the entrance lobby area of the Bastion Stair.

Lost Vale Teleport Scroll - This reward is unlocked at guild rank 35, and will teleport the player to just outside the entrance to the Lost Vale.

Contested Cities:
Once a city has become contested, the attacking realm will now have 6 hours to capture it. If the invaders do not conquer the city in that time, the defenders will be declared victorious and the campaign will reset.

Of course my favorite note in the whole batch has the fewest words in it:

In response to player feedback, the amount of renown earned from healing players has been increased slightly.

Happy shaman here.

To read the rest of the patch notes, watch the patch news as well as the Herald. And for those not keeping up to date, the Witching Night live event is on!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016