Warhammer Dev Diary Explains Scenario Changes

by on Feb 23, 2010

<p><em><a href="http://www.warhammeronline.com/" target="_blank">Warhammer Online</a></em> has been taking a good lone look at the structure of the game's Scenario systems and as you might recall,

Warhammer Online has been taking a good lone look at the structure of the game's Scenario systems and as you might recall, the plans have gone through multiple planning sessions thanks to feedback from the community. This week, Warhammer Online Development Manager Mike Wyatt posted a new developer's diary to explain the new Scenario structure and the team's reasoning behind the changes to help streamline the Scenario system.

We’ve removed a lot of Scenarios from the queues. We anticipated that this would be a welcome change for some, not so welcome for others, and then there’s the group who doesn’t mind it either way so long as they get to continue to beat enemy players’ faces in with huge swords and searing magic.  Before anyone goes out and purchases a pitchfork to storm the Mythic Entertainment studio (too late?), we have sound reasons for this change!

You can read the full diary here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016