Warhammer: Op/Ed: WoW Effect

by on Nov 20, 2006

<b>The WoW Effect</b><br /> <br /> Another Common Content article across the TenTonHammer network delivered to you fresh inside an airtight pizza box (because I know gamers love pizza). This week Ratboy writes about the input of World of Warcraft toward

The WoW Effect

Another Common Content article across the TenTonHammer network delivered to you fresh inside an airtight pizza box (because I know gamers love pizza). This week Ratboy writes about the input of World of Warcraft towards Warhammer Online. That's right everybody, today you get to hear about WoW and how it is impacting YOUR game.

For everyone here who reads my articles you should know one thing; I make a lot of references to World of Warcraft. I’ll be honest when I say there is actually a valid reason why I make reference to WoW so much in my writings, and it’s because I like to make comparisons. Since Warhammer Online has yet to be released there is not a lot of concrete information I can go off of, and I make the general assumption that most of my readers have played or know a bit about the voracious online flesh eating disease known as Warcraft. Does WoW have an impact on the development of Warhammer Online? Anything but ‘yes’ would be a lie.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016