Weekly Troll Report 01/03/2008

by on Jan 04, 2008

<h1>Weekly Troll Report 01/03/2008</strong></h1> <h3 class="style2 style2 style2">By: Martuk</h3>

Weekly Troll Report 01/03/2008

By: Martuk

Keeping up with the Official Forums can be cumbersome and who really has time to troll through hundreds of dramatic posts for that one nugget of information you occasionally find? I do! Join us as Ten Ton Hammer examines all the important threads this week and keeps you up to date.

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end-of-the-year review: your LOTRO favorites!

2007 has passed at last and to start the new year off right Mithrilsoul, a member of the official LOTRO forums offers this new thread to look back on the past year, and give the members a chance to say what part of LOTRO they liked and disliked the most.

You can also read Ten Ton Hammers LOTRO 2007 Year in Review.

Rejected Quest Names

What is a forum without a bit of fun? This thread is designed to allow for that fun by allowing players to join in on the comical discussion of rejected quest names or names that will not likely be used. If you have a good sense of humor and a creative mind you might enjoy this humorous thread.

Old question....Do you help or do you watch

What would you do. This thread asks that very question. If you saw a player battling a mob and they get an add, do you help if they are about to take a dirt nap, or do you watch safely from the distance as they crash to the ground in a painful defeat?

J. R.R. Tolkien

This week we honor the birthday of one of fantasy fictions greatest writers. Ferdinanda began this thread on the official forums to commemorate the late professors birthday. You can add your wishes there and on our forums Here.

Congrats! Voodoo Extreme Names LOTRO Best MMO of the Year

Lord of the Rings Online has won yet another award. Voodoo Extreme has named it the Best MMO of the year. This thread discusses that honor and offers a big congrats to the developers of Turbine.

The Tactics of LOTRO Combat

First, let me say very well written post Kwinn. This thread discusses the tactics of combat in relation to real tactics and game tactics such as Logistics, Strategy, Grand Strategy and so on. Kwinn offers up a very detailed and well written post explaining the two in great detail. It is a very engaging post and well worth the read.

Camping: What is Turbines stance on it?

What do you think of camping and the MMOG? This thread is dedicated to that question and has prompted the response from many community members on this topic. Do you feel its a great thing that previous MMOG's have all embodied or a dead horse that has once again been beaten?

Forced leveling bites the big one

Some crafter's are a bit upset that they must level their character as an adventurer to advance their craft. What do you think? Should you be able to craft to maximum without ever earning a level or do you agree with the current process? Share your thoughts in this thread.

Covenant of the Sword looking for a few more

This weeks kinship highlight goes to Covenant of the Sword. This Kinship resides on Vilya server. View their official forum thread or visit their site Here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016