Weekly Troll Report 01/18/2008

by on Jan 18, 2008

<style type="text/css"> <!-- .style1 {font-family: Arial} --> </style> <h1 class="style1">Weekly Troll Report 01/18/2008</h1> <h3 class="style1">By: Martuk</h3>

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Weekly Troll Report 01/18/2008

By: Martuk

Book 12 is lurking in the shadows of the horizon and the community is getting anxious. This week in the Troll Report we look at some of the top threads on the official forums. Many of these threads ask questions in regards to upcoming content relating to the Book 12 update, but there are a few other topics still drawing attention in the community.

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Hakai what about shield spikes??

The Guardian will be receiving his update during Book 12, but what about the Guardian Shield Spikes? That is a question many shield bearing Guardians wanted an answer to. While these Shield Spikes can provide a temporary boost to critical strikes for a Guardian, some feel that they lack a certain balance of power and use. Hakai dropped in to address some issues, but it seems that a lot of the community disagree with his views on the matter.

My Thoughts on Book 12 or "Why I Play a Guardian"

The Guardian class will be receiving a lot of new skills and skill adjustments with Book 12, but not all of those skills are being received warmly. There are some skills such as Deep Breath that will be receiving an increased cool down timer. This has been a controversial change and not a very popular one with most Guardians. Hakai dropped in to address some of the issues, but there is only so much one person can do when faced with an army of angry Guardians. This is still a pretty decent discussion with a lot of good points and examples about some of these changes. Particularly Deep Breath.

Versioned Quests in The Great Angmar Revamp

MadeofLions has kept his word and released a list of the upcoming quests that will be revamped with the Angmar update. Players who have quests to finish in Angmar will want to look this over carefully and finish up anything they might have in progress before the launch of Book 12. After Book 12 goes live, these quests will be reset as they change and you will have to start over. You can also ask any questions you might have as MadeofLions has been responding actively to the thread.

New Avatars!

Tired of that old Avatar on the official forums? Good news for you then. Saffron has uploaded almost a hundred new avatars for players to choose from. This thread tells the tale and allows players to discuss their new look.

Shoot changing to Let Fly?

Nadr brings us this little thread examining the change of the Shoot skill to Let Fly. This thread led to a little discussion about various ranged attacks as it deviated slightly from the original post, but Graalx dropped in to set a few concerns strait.

Give Purpose to Questing after 50

This topic is one I have been preaching since launch. What happens when you reach level 50 and have the deeds you really want to have? Aside from raiding the Rift and Halegrod players suffer from a lack of things to do when they reach the elder part of the game. I made my suggestions Here feel free to share yours.

List Active Beryl Shard holders here

If you are into crafting or looking for that special gear this thread will never get old. With the cooperation of the community this thread has been assembled to include all known Beryl Shard carrying mobs in Middle-earth. Add your input or take with you some new information. This thread is one that will be useful to everybody.

Sands of Time

This weeks kinship highlight goes to the Sands of Time. This Kinship resides on Windfola server and is led by a married couple. What kind of guild are they you ask? According to Rubyslprgirl...

Our members do it all. We have multiple GMs in all crafts. We raid, PvMP, quest together, and generally have a good time. We average 18-22 players who are on almost every night. Most of us are older players with families, college, and work, so at the end of the day, we just like to kick back and have fun.

View their official forum thread or visit their site Here.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016