Weekly Troll Report 8/23/2007

by on Aug 23, 2007

<p>Keeping up with the Official Forums can be cumbersome and who really has time to troll through hundreds of dramatic posts for that one nugget of information you occasionally find?

Keeping up with the Official Forums can be cumbersome and who really has time to troll through hundreds of dramatic posts for that one nugget of information you occasionally find? I do! Join us as Ten Ton Hammer examines all the important threads this week and keeps you up to date.

Chat Channels

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This lively little chat started off with valid concerns relating to problems with the chat channels in-game, but it degraded into a bash the Dev’s thread before being salvaged later on Page 2. The developers actually popped in stating they may have found a solution to the problem.

Barrow-Bree - LOL TURBINE!

This light hearted thread is about a new piece of cheese that drops in the Haudh Iarchith and bestows those foolish enough to eat it with a new title.

New to LoTR, looking for some starting advice!

This is a pretty decent thread for the newcomer. Even a bit of useful advice from some helpful members.

Cloak of the Cluck!! What the.....

This thread discussed the reward for completing the session play Chicken quest line. Some accepted the reward for what it is, a comical joke that doesn’t influence the game. Some others felt differently thinking it wasn’t in tune with the story line.

Reputation & Reward Overview

This is a very helpful thread if you are looking for information on the reputation system. It provides a lot of discussion on each of the factions and some of the rewards for each.

Moria by Christmas?

The idea that we might see Moria by Christmas took a hit in this thread when Scenario stated. “While we will eventually be getting to Eregion and Moria - neither are places we are going to next.”

Two Guys and a LOTRO Car - Day 3 Drama!

The adventures of Troy and Ray continue as they tour the country in their LOTRO car. The discussion is being chronicled on the official forums daily.

The ;target alias and you! (A Guide to Target Macros)

This is a useful thread for information if you are confused on how macros work. You can find a useful guide and some insightful discussion here.

Chicken Play made my day....

This discussion centers around the Chicken Play feature. You can learn a few things about the quest line and where to start this session play event. There is even a few hints on completing some of the quest line and a bit of chickeness humor.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016