Weekly Troll Report 9/13/2007

by on Aug 17, 2007

<p>Keeping up with the Official Forums can be cumbersome and who really has time to troll through hundreds of dramatic posts for that one nugget of information you occasionally find?

Keeping up with the Official Forums can be cumbersome and who really has time to troll through hundreds of dramatic posts for that one nugget of information you occasionally find? I do! Join us as Ten Ton Hammer examines all the important threads this week and keeps you up to date.

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Men of Dale retarted?

If you role-play a ranger of Man of Dale this thread might be useful to you. The original post by Linos questioned why people spoke down to him when he role-played a man from Dale. The answer was addressed by several members and later in the thread on page the developer Berephon.

so what's coming sept 19th?

Since the Stratics House of Commons chat Monday, the forums have been buzzing with questions on what festive event we might be seeing on the 19th of this month. This thread offers some suggestions and even a screenshot from the Roheryn server giving some Piraty insight.

Stratics Chat thoughts, please feel free to post 'em here.

The Stratics House of Commons chat has been the subject of much discussion as of late. The developers talked about housing, class changes, and other future updates including possible pvp changes for Moster play. You can join this discussion and learn a few things about the various changes and even speculate some of your own.

State of the Game - Appeal to Turbine

This thread was originally started on September 11th by Vinas to address what was felt to be some issues with the game, but he was nice enough to compliment the Dev’s first. This thread grew very quickly to a lot of pages and it generated a lot of great discussion on several topics, but you can’t have a good thread without a troll lurking about, and this one was no different. Overall the thread has some great information, and discussion. You just have to look past a few obvious troll post.

Kinship Housing in the Dev Chat

Another great thread that resulted after the Stratics chat was this one. It covered a lot of discussion about known features with Kinship housing and how it might be handled or implemented. The developer Scenario even popped in to offer up some conversation.

Thank you Orion, for making my night!

This was a comical discussion about some of the classical songs and videos from the animated version of Lord of the Rings. Including some old cult classic favorites like Where there’s a whip, there’s a way, and even Goblin town. Some of the forum members were even kind enough to provide some links.

Will LOTRO always be hack and slay or will we need to think at somepoint?

This discussion offered some suggestions to add to the game by several members aside from combat such as riddles and puzzles. Other members took it another direction suggesting alternet classes to help entertain the original posters initial intent.

Gold: Why do people complain?

This thread was started by Enshaido and actually offered some good tips on making some coin. While he provided legitimate information some people did not agree with his methods, but simply put he gave some valid trading tips on playing the auction house market that any merchant type person would do and he even made sure to mention price gouging was bad. Overall it was a decent thread with some fair discussion and legitimate points and tips.

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016