What Keeps You Coming Back?

by on Jun 13, 2008

With the successful kick off of the Living Legacy program, many faithful EQ2 players are watching old friends return for another look at EQ and EQ2.

With the successful kick off of the Living Legacy program, many faithful EQ2 players are watching old friends return for another look at EQ and EQ2. You can ask many of the longtime players why they are still playing this game and you surely will get a wide variety of answers, but everyone will have their reasons.

Elquinjena over at Kithicor.org poses this question and they even put a little prize down for the best response:

So what Jethal and I are going to do to kick this off is to holding a small contest and the winner will get a copy of RoK that we will buy for them and have delivered.

The contest is going to be simple, write a letter to us about why you love EQ2, what happy times you remember the most. What is it about EQ2 that keeps you playing. The best entry will be read on the show and will post it here as well.

Be your reasons silly, serious, heartfelt, or insane, Jethal and Elquinjena want to hear them!

Stop on by Kithicor.org for the rules and details and have some fun with this!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016