WildStar Wednesday Gives the Perfect Recipe for Music

by on Sep 28, 2011

<p>It’s Wednesday once again and that means it’s time for another <a href="http://www.tentonhammer.com/taxonomy/term/3232"><em>WildStar</em></a> update and Lead Composer Jeff Kurtenacker has all the right ingredients for this week’s update.

Carbine Studios has been making lots of waves with their upcoming MMORPG, WildStar. Since the game’s reveal at this year’s gamescom event, WildStar has drawn comparisons to the popular sci-fi show Firefly and caught the attention of media and gamers.

This week we get to learn a little more about that hidden season that makes a game taste good (is that possible?) with WildStar’s Lead Composer Jeff Kurtenacker, who explains more about the music of the upcoming MMORPG using a comparison to cooking and how just the right touch (like seasoning) can make a game memorable and leave a lasting impression on players often times without them even knowing it. He even included a couple of audio samples. Check out this week’s WildStar Wednesday for all the details.

Source: WildStar website

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016