Women and Raiding

by on Aug 21, 2007

A topic often discussed.

In our latest op/ed, Ciderhelm goes into discussion from first hand experience about the trials and tribulations of having women in endgame raiding. An exhilarating look at endgame raiding and the various situations where the mingling of the opposite sexes can sometimes cause strife and drama and other times work out just well. A real eye opener, well worth the time to read and then discuss on our forums!

Some women may lack confidence or be afraid to make mistakes as a result of those sexist overtones. They, like everyone, want to be seen as equals, and be recognized based on merit. However, to become great players, all players must first make mistakes, and have friends and guild members who understand that those are mistakes everyone goes through, not mistakes caused by being women.

Get comfy and read this outstanding article at Women and Raiding!

Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016