Woodworker Recipe Guide Tier 2

by on Oct 10, 2007

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Tier 2: Journeyman
Critical Item
Ash Bow 1 Ball of Twine 1 Ash Bow
Blackened Huorn Heartwood
Ash Bowstaff 3 Treated Ash Ash Brace 4 Treated Ash Ash Crossbow 1 Iron Band 1 Ash Bowstaff Ash Haft 3 Treated Ash Ash Hammer 2 Barrow-iron Ingot 1 Ash Haft Ash Spear 1 Iron Blade 1 Ash Haft Ash Staff 1 Ball of Twine 1 Ash Bowstaff Heavy Ash Bow 1 Ball of Twine 1 Ash Bowstaff 3 Treated Ash Heavy Ash Crossbow 1 Iron band 1 Ash Bowstaff 3 Treated Ash Heavy Ash Hammer 2 Barrow-iron Ingot 1 Ash Haft 3 Treated Ash Heavy Ash Spear 1 Iron Blade 1 Ash Haft 3 Treated Ash Heavy Ash Staff 1 Ash Bowstaff 3 Treated Ash 1 Ash Brace Simple Drum 1 Ball of Twine 3 Treated Ash 1 Boiled Medium Leather
Dusky Huorn Heartwood
Simple Flute 2 Ball of Twine 3 Treated Ash Simple Harp 2 Gut Strings 3 Treated Ash Simple Horn 1 Ball of Twine 1 Ash Brace 1 Broken Neekerbreeker Horn Simple Lute 1 Wooden Pegs 1 Gut Strings 3 Treated Ash Simple Theorbo 1 Wooden Pegs 1 Gut Strings 3 Treated Ash Smooth Ash Bow 1 Ball of Twine 1 Ash Bowstaff 3 Treated Ash 1 Ash Brace 1 Wildthorn's Bark
Wildthorn's Bark
Smooth Ash Crossbow 1 Steel Brace 1 Ash Bowstaff 3 Treated Ash 1 Ash Brace Smooth Ash Hammer 2 Low-grade Steel Ingot 1 Ash Haft 3 Treated Ash 1 Ash Brace
Sawtooth's Tooth
Smooth Ash Spear 1 Steel Blade 1 Ash Haft 3 Treated Ash 1 Ash Brace
Blackclaw's Claw
Smooth Ash Staff 1 Ball of Twine 1 Ash Bowstaff 3 Treated Ash 1 Ash Brace
Wildthorn's Bark
Stout Ash Bow 1 Ball of Twine 1 Ash Bowstaff 1 Ash Brace
Dusky Huorn Heartwood
Stout Ash Hammer 2 Low-grade Steel Ingot 1 Ash Haft 1 Ash Brace Stout Ash Spear 1 Steel Blade 1 Ash Haft 1 Ash Brace Stout Ash Staff 1 Ball of Twine 1 Ash Bowstaff 1 Ash Brace

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016