World of Warcraft: An Exclusive In-Depth Look at the Death Knight

by on May 09, 2008

When it comes to upcoming expansion's for a released game, nothing in the world is bigger than <i>World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King</i>.

When it comes to upcoming expansion's for a released game, nothing in the world is bigger than World of Warcraft's Wrath of the Lich King. One of the biggest draws of the expansion is the introduction of the Death Knight, a brand new character class for players to enjoy. However, since the game's unveiling at BlizzCon 2007, little has been said about the upcoming class. The wait is finally over! Ten Ton Hammer has your exclusive in-depth look at this upcoming class, which includes details on abilities, powers, and more!

The Death Knight has a pretty good selection of abilities that are going to screw with enemy casters, at the core of which is their “Anti-Magic Shell.” According to Chilton, the Death Knight uses a rune to surround the Death Knight in an anti-magic shell, which absorbs 75% of the damage from the next spell and transfers that into runic power. In addition to that, they have a handful of other anti-magic abilities including the “Mind Freeze” ability which interrupts casting and a runic power ability called “Strangulate” which flushes all of the Death Knight’s runic power, silences an enemy for a maximum of five seconds, and causing a bit of damage.

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Last Updated: Mar 29, 2016